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Simple Ways to Make Your Event Greener Using Event Technology



Events and technology can take a toll on our environment. From travel to power usage to physical waste, it's on us as event professionals to reduce in any areas we can. We know it can be hard to reduce our carbon footprint when a lot of the elements that contribute to it are essential to our events. But just like saying no to unnecessary straw usage and yes to reusable water bottles, if enough of us make some simple changes, we can start to make an impact. Consider making these changes when possible to your events to make them a little greener.

Digital Signage and Lecturns

Using Digital Signage can cut down on waste production when it comes to printing event and conference programs (which are often non-recyclable).  Going digital can also increase attendee engagement when combined with touch screen technology versus using flip charts.    Another aspect that often gets overlooked is the branded lecturn. Usually, a printed plastic insert, opt for a digital lecturn to reduce on single-use plastic waste.


LED Everything (well as much as possible)

LED (Light Emitting Diode) technology has been proven to reduce energy waste as it converts approximately 95% of its energy to light and only 5% is contributed to heat waste. This means it takes less energy and provides high-quality lighting with lest less waste. The LED technology also last longer meaning less hardware waste!

Where to use LED:

Lighting -
This has actually become the new standard so YAY, you're most likely already doing this with your AV partner
LED Monitor - Compared to conventional LCD monitors, LED monitors provide a brighter, longer lasting display all while using less energy (win-win)
LED Wall/Panels - looking to display large scale content? Or add some dynamic stage elements? LED panels are incredibly versatile. 

Laser Projectors

Digital Laser Projectors (DLP) don't get the hype they deserve. I'm yet to find any cons to go next to its long list of pros. For example, they have an average 20,000 hour "lamp" life. That is equal to 8 hrs a day, 5 days a week, 50 weeks a year for 10 years! The average projector bulb needs to be replaced after just 3,000 hours.


Hybrid Events & Video Conferencing

From fossil fuels to fiscal inaccessibility, traveling cross country or even internationally from conference to conference can take its toll both environmentally as well as on your bottom line.  Save two birds at once by considering working  video conferencing into your programming or putting on a hybrid event.  Whether it's saving on travel for speakers doing events in multiple locations or capturing a wider audience allowing virtual registrants to attend your event remotely, hybrid events could help save our planet!

Venue Selection

Choose a venue that is LEED certified! This is a great step in making sure your event is as sustainable as possible.  A LEED certified building means that it was "designed and built using strategies aimed at achieving high performance in key areas of human and environmental health".  This includes how waste is managed, accessibility to sustainable transportation (and location), and every effort put into energy efficiency.

 Want to implement some of these initiatives for your next event?

Contact us today!

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